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Private Equity Office

Private Equity Office


Business & Corporate







High Street Studio has a lot of experience designing the office design of Jakarta and its surrounding. The latest one is the property of an international branch of a private equity company. Its office interior design was premiumly made with a modern minimalist concept, which makes the inside areas look sleek and elegant. It suits very well with the company’s image that wants to be shown.

The concept of elegant office interior design begins to appear from the lobby area. The combination of wood material and white marble looks dominant. The fiber lines of marble material create its own beauty in this reception area. In the work area, High Street Studio created a modern atmosphere that is warmer packed. With the dominance of wood material with black trim that characterizes solidity. As well as the large meeting room, it stays with the formal arrangement concept but with a cozy atmosphere and a more artistic touch.

Jakarta, Indonesia  

I223 m2

Private Equity Company Indonesia

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