
Good dental health is an essential aspect of self-care and overall well-being. Investing time and energy into maintaining healthy teeth and gums can contribute to an individual's pride, confidence, and overall happiness.
Through its subsidiaries, Dharmawangsa Dental Studio and Brawijaya Dental Studio, JIVAS has proven itself a reputable and trustworthy company. JIVAS is an acronym for Joyful, Innovative, Visionary, Adaptable, and Synergy, five core values that drive JIVAS Group forward as a company. These values will be reflected in JIVAS Group's excellent customer service.
We enhance JIVAS Group's online presence by creating a user-friendly and informative website. The website serves as a comprehensive platform where people can get to know JIVAS better through its businesses and their commitment to client satisfaction. We also incorporated these values into the website's design, ensuring a seamless extension of JIVAS's dedication to professionalism and customer satisfaction.
We applied basic shapes and lines to create a consistent and smooth logo for JIVAS. The logomark is our take on sunrise, symbolizing renewed life and hope provided by the JIVAS Group.