In Tune with the Ever-evolving

Just like time that never stops, almost everything is constantly changing. Either people are genuinely interested or just for the sake not wanting to be left behind, the tendency to stay in tune with the latest is always there.
Hello! It's surely been a while since our last post.
We're currently have our hands full with lots of exciting projects that we're hoping to be able to share with you soon. In the meantime, something else piqued our interest.
In this day and age, change happens in a blink of an eye. Along with technology innovation, design industry has seen a lot of changes. Today we've seen design in digital forms more than ever but less than tomorrow, it is getting more interactive and more accessible; this breed of design is what we called new media.
A few months ago, Ultigraph, an annual event held by Design Communication Visual Students Association of Multimedia Nusantara University, approached us to be one of their media partner. Ultigraph chose "Kalavikasana" as this year's theme. Kalavikasana originated from Sanskrit translated as ever-evolving. Through Kalavikasana, Ultigraph aims to give a new perspective and emphasize the importance of new media to the public.
Ultigraph is filled with various exciting events like workshop, competition, art market, and exhibition to name a few. Ultigraph chose five design studios as their partners for the design competition and one of them is us. We feel honoured to be one of Ultigraph's media partners where we will be assessing a selection of works focusing on self or personal branding.

Participants are encouraged to see themselves as brands and express themselves through personal branding. The competition is open to all university students with submission date ends on 20 Oct 2018. The selected five winners will experience a day in the life of a graphic designer in our office. Visit Ultigraph's website for more information.